Friday, 31 October 2008

Today I Pooed on Great Grandpa

Hey you, today I pooed all over my great grandpa when he called into work to see me. I was much happier and relaxed afterwards.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Do You Mind?

Can't a baby have 5 minutes to himself without photo's being snapped all the time? Its like I am being followed by the paparazzi constantly. Here I am just trying to take a quite bath and what does she do?? PULLS OUT THE CAMERA and catches me unaware, as you can see from my face!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Ohh baby its been cold outside. Whats with this weather? Its like winter all over again. Here I am though, snug as a bug in a rug.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Routines Are For Babies!

Hey, i have had such a crazy week. Instead of sleeping from 11pm to 6.15am i started to wake up freakishly early each morning, usually around 4am. If i'm awake i make sure my mum is awake too. She got really tired of starting her day at 4am and decided to put me onto a routine. I wasnt super keen at first and started waking up again at 2am. Mum said something about sleep deprivation, slow torture and losing her mind, so i thought i better be good and start sleeping a bit longer. I still have to go to bed at 7pm (see me in pic) which im not loving but a baby has to have a routine apparently!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

The Big Pram

It has been hot & I had my 8 week immunisation needles so needless to say I was having trouble sleeping so my Mum popped me in the big old fashioned pram on a lovely silk blanket. It was soft and much cooler. I LOVE this pram. It has great suspension and I love being bounced around in it at work. Here are some pics of me in it...

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Grand Final Fever!

Today is my first NRL grandfinal and my hometeam is playing! First I went out to lunch and when I got home I slipped into my organic cotton tracksuit, grabbed soother and kicked back on the lounge with my dad to catch all the action.